Take a Break from Tired Eyes

Technology has improved by leaps and bounds, giving us access to multiple marvels and making our lives easier. However, it comes at a price. We are constantly staring at our phones, laptop, and iPads. Add pollution, stress, our genes, and the aging process to this and you have the perfect recipe for tired eyes and drooping eyelids.
For some of us, a good night’s sleep is all that is needed to get our eyes back to their bright, perky self. However, for others, it’s not so simple. If your eyelids have started sagging, you may want to consider blepharoplasty to correct them.
Blepharoplasty: Say Goodbye to Sagging Lids
Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is done to remove excess skin and fat from your eyelids. This reduces drooping, puffiness, and wrinkles. Blepharoplasty can be done for both cosmetic reasons and medical reasons.
Keep in mind that the procedure will not take care of other signs of aging like crow’s feet or dark circles. Other treatments are better suited for these issues.
What Is the Eye Lift Like?
A blepharoplasty usually takes around two to three hours, especially if you are opting for both the upper and lower lids to be treated. This procedure is typically done under local anesthesia with IV sedation.
Dr. Espinosa will start with the upper eyelids. An incision will be made along the natural line between your eyelid and the area below the eyebrow. Using this incision, Dr. Espinosa will remove the excess skin and fat. Drooping muscle tissue will also be tightened. Finally, the incision will be closed with very minute sutures.
Dr. Espinosa will then move to the lower eyelids. An incision may be made along your lash line. Alternately, an incision may be made inside the eyelid. This incision is not visible. Once an incision is made, excess skin will be removed. Excess fat will be removed or repositioned as needed. The incision will be sealed using sutures.
Post-Operative Care Following the Eye Lift
After the blepharoplasty procedure; you will have stitches in your eyelids for a good week or so. If they are dissolvable, you will not need to have them removed. If they are not dissolvable, they will be removed during a follow-up appointment.
You might have some minor swelling and bruising. In most cases, these will heal in a few days. Ensure that someone can take you back home after the procedure, because you will not be able to drive yourself home. Also, take off from work for a couple of weeks until your eyelids heal completely. Dr. Espinosa will recommend painkillers to help you deal with any discomfort.
Arrange a Consultation at Our Office
If your tired eyes have been getting you down, get in touch with us and set up an eye-lift consultation. During your consultation with reconstructive plastic surgeon Dr. Nashielli Espinosa, you’ll be able to ask any questions you may have and can look at before-and-after photos. Dr. Espinosa will be happy to help you achieve your goals.