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Blog de Cirugía Plástica Facial

Will Facial Fat Grafting Smooth Away My Wrinkles?

Aging is inevitable. As you start aging, your face starts losing volume. The process happens gradually but then results in some very visible signs on your face. As time passes, tissue from the fat layer of your face starts degenerating. This usually gives your face a sunken look. It may make you look constantly tired […]

A Neck Lift Tightens Sagging Skin

A neck lift, also known as a platysmaplasty, is a cosmetic surgery that eliminates excess skin and fat from under your chin, which in turn creates a more defined and youthful look. It removes or adjusts neck muscle tissue to suit your aesthetic goals and uses liposuction to eliminate excess fat. When Do People Consider […]

Take a Break from Tired Eyes

Technology has improved by leaps and bounds, giving us access to multiple marvels and making our lives easier. However, it comes at a price. We are constantly staring at our phones, laptop, and iPads. Add pollution, stress, our genes, and the aging process to this and you have the perfect recipe for tired eyes and […]

The Benefits of Facial Fat Grafting

Cosmetic procedures are making a shift towards less invasive and more natural methods as they continue to improve. Facial fat grafting makes for an excellent example of this shift in trends. Facial fat grafting is a simple procedure that solves unique cosmetic facial issues without major surgery. It improves the look of the face without […]

The Lower-Eyelid Lift Treats Aesthetic Eyelid Issues

An eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that is carried out in order to address aesthetic and/or functional issues in the eyelids. It can also be combined with certain other procedures for more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. There are two basic kinds of blepharoplasty: upper blepharoplasty and lower blepharoplasty. The former involves making an […]

Drooping Eyelids? You May Be Interested in a Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, or the eye lift as it is commonly known, is performed to correct drooping eyelids. Drooping eyelids can be the result of aging, genetic factors, or trauma. They can greatly affect a person’s appearance, making them look constantly tired and aged. Drooping eyelids can become a serious issue if they start to affect a […]

Rhytidectomy Surgery Eliminates Loose Skin for a Younger Appearance

Facial aging is bound to happen sooner or later. Fine lines, severe wrinkles, facial-volume loss, loose skin folds on the neck, excess fat under the chin, and creases on the face can appear as a result of aging. Other factors may make them manifest even sooner, including stress, sun exposure, smoking, and lifestyle choices. Luckily, […]

Put Excess Fat to Good Use!

With age comes the formation of wrinkles and age lines, along with volume loss. This loss creates gauntness and hollowness and is more pronounced around the eyes, cheeks, and jawline. These areas can be restored with the help of facial fat grafting. We have always seen excess fat as something that needs to be removed […]

A Younger-Looking Appearance? It’s Possible with a Facelift

Many people long to look younger. With a facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, this dream can be achieved. A facelift is a type of corrective surgery performed to give skin a more youthful appearance, making a patient look about eight to nine years younger. With a facelift, we’re able to smooth away those undesirable […]

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